Christmas ADVENTures

Today is the first day of December, the first day of Summer, and the countdown to Christmas has begun! Yay! My enthusiasm for Christmas tends to cycle from “mild” to “jazzed” from year to year, usually depending on how much effort I put in the previous years. Luckily, this year is falling on the “jazzed”Continue reading “Christmas ADVENTures”

{Newcastle Baby Photographer} Isaac and Harrison’s First Christmas

You might remember beautiful identical twins Isaac and Harry from such newborn sessions as this, and last year, in preparation for their first Christmas, we photographed them, Christmas-themed. They. Were. Adorable. We had the whole she-bang: Christmas lights, a box, and even elf hats. We also had Santa hats, but they didn’t quite fit, so thatContinue reading “{Newcastle Baby Photographer} Isaac and Harrison’s First Christmas”

{Newcastle Portrait Photographer} Ally

I actually took these shots six months ago at Christmas time, but have kind of left them by the wayside, so to speak. I finally sat down and finished editing them this week. Better late than never. Meet my gorgeous cousin Ally. Such a sweethearted young lady, and gorgeous to boot. So much fun toContinue reading “{Newcastle Portrait Photographer} Ally”

{Newcastle Children Photographer} Molly, Alana and William

Getting close to Christmas now! I have been processing like a bandit the last few weeks, and will be for the next week or two, while I complete everyone’s sessions in time for Christmas. I’ve recently discovered I need to start wearing my glasses while editing, and a failure to do so will end inContinue reading “{Newcastle Children Photographer} Molly, Alana and William”